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Shumi wa Zannen Desu (?!)

5th September 2024

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you!

Thursday. Continuing the same unit from last week. LOL (zannen desu ne 😏).

The title is so random. Based on the two characters that I learned to write today:


LMAO with the random notes that I scribble through out the live. It's usually when I was explaining things to the chat. I was explaining:

  1. ma lai xi ya as the pinyin of 马来西亚 in Chinese (mentioned by Alip)
  2. Pros and cons between Chinese and Japanese language learning
  3. Alip mentioning about purification of a language (like Japanese from imported Chinese words), like how they construct Anglish (pure Germanic root) and Beka (pure Malay words)

So today's characters are:

  • 趣味 (shumi) = hobby
  • 残念 (zannen) = disappointment

And some characters asked by rey-san from the LIVE chat:

  • 在 (zai) = at

P/S: Also the same with Chinese zai, the same character even.

  • 宅 (taku) = home
  • 在宅 (zaitaku) = home/at home

So is your hobby a disappointment?

I guess since we haven't been active this week, it's a disappointment.😅

I am actually working on filling out the free e-books section and setting up MBTI Test, DOPE Test and DASS Test for my page.

What are those?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Also known as the 16 personality types
Dove-Owl-Peacock-Eagle (bird personality type)
Testing your personality in teamwork
Depression-Anxiety-Stress Score
Assessing your psychology levels

Although by the time of writing this, only two are up: MBTI and DOPE.
So yeah! Tiring week especially finding books for each section. Phew! 🥱

Shout out to Mirai Musashi for the gift (rose 🌹)! ありがとうございました!

I think that's it for this entry. またね~ 👋

"The pen has always been mightier than the sword"